Whether you want to improve your horse's athletic performance, confidence or comfort, there's a KEY step that needs to happen. And I'll tell you all about it in this episode.
This key step has benefits for you too. It refines your communication, enhances your feel and...
If your horse expresses displeasure when being groomed, tacked up or blanketed, how do you respond? Do you correct your horse with a verbal "Hey, knock it off!"? Or do you administer a slap?
Or do you reassess what you're doing and (gasp!) actually LISTEN to your horse?
Want to move with greater ease AND feel happier too? You're in luck! Feldenkrais Method movement lessons not only help improve posture, flexibility and balance, but may help you cultivate greater happiness, optimism and wellbeing too.
In this episode, Mary explains how...
In this episode, I'll share key...
You've probably have heard that if you want to improve, you have to push beyond your comfort zone. You're encouraged to go to your maximum, to develop more willpower.
But is that approach REALLY serving you?
In this episode, learn when it's more effective to stay WITHIN your range...
Did you know that you can improve your movement simply by changing the very beginning of a movement? You can develop better body awareness and improve your coordination simply by pausing and changing the very BEGINNING of a movement.
This applies to any movement that you do,...
Do you think you lack the talent, opportunity or confidence to ride better? Do you think your horse is too stiff, spooky or lazy to do the things you really want to do?
If you answered yes to even one of those questions, you have have a limiting belief. And you're...
In this episode, Mary shares inspiring thoughts from members of her Happy, Healthy Horsewomen community.
You'll hear what they learned from their horses. And how their horses gently (and sometimes not so gently!) pointed out where and how they could improve.
In listening to...
Do you want more flexible hips? Or do you wish you were more balanced, relaxed and confident in the saddle?
In this episode you’ll learn something that's ESSENTIAL to helping you achieve those goals. And that's to identify the TYPE of horse person you are.
Learn 3 questions that’ll transform your mindset and help you reach your equestrian goals. You’ll get clear on what you really want.
Then you’ll learn how to harness the power of your brain to challenge your so-called limitations and start creating the reality where...
We’ve reached the FINAL 2 key things you can do to enhance your horse’s body and mind. I call this improvement Unlocking Your Horse’s Superpowers.
You’ll hear why it's common for us to get stuck in routines that dull our senses and keep us trapped in unhealthy...
There are 7 key things to enhance your horse’s body and mind. I call this improvement Unlocking Your Horse’s Superpowers. This episode will explore the 4th and 5th keys.
In this episode, you’ll learn how common it is to habitually tense your muscles more than...