Body Wisdom: The Bridge to Animal Connection #109 #canine #debono moves #equinemovement awareness through movement body awareness body wisdom feldenkrais method inner authority somatic education Feb 08, 2025

Mary Debono reveals how your body wisdom (aka your inner authority) serves as a powerful bridge to connecting with animals. Through the Feldenkrais MethodⓇ, you'll discover how to access your natural physical intelligence – that innate sense of what feels right and harmonious in movement....

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Easy Shoulders and Elegant Posture - Sneak Peek Video awareness through movement back pain equestrians feldenkrais feldenkrais method posture riders rolling fists shoulders Aug 15, 2023

Discover Effortless Riding: Exploring the Feldenkrais Method for Equestrians

Today, I'm excited to give you a sneak peek into a lesson from the free Feldenkrais for Rider series. This particular lesson is packed with benefits that extend beyond just your shoulders and upper back – it's a...

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