EMHH Episode 22: How to Move with Your Horse Apr 07, 2022

Did you know that your horse is included in your brain’s “body map?” If horses are an important part of your life, your brain has most probably mapped your horse in your brain. You always knew your horse was in your heart. Now you know your equine is in your brain too! In this...

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EMHH Episode 18: Improve Responsiveness with Mindful Movement Apr 03, 2022

Mindful movement improves your coordination, flexibility and confidence. It helps you and your horse become more attuned and responsiveness to EACH OTHER.

With mindful movement, your coordination, flexibility and confidence can increase. You become more aware of how you use your body...

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EMHH Episode 17: How Small Steps Lead to Big Results Apr 03, 2022

Whatever equestrian challenge you’re struggling with, you can take steps towards turning it into a positive. Into something that feels easy. Even fun.

Yes, even if it’s your tight hips, crooked position or stiff, “lazy” horse!

In this episode, I share how you...

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EMHH Episode 16: Talk to Your Horse's Brain, Not Muscles Apr 03, 2022

Click here to watch a short video of Mary demonstrating Rhythm Circles. Plus, read exactly how she helped the horse, Grace, make a dramatic recovery.

This is the third episode in a 3-part series of using the gentle, yet powerful, Rhythm Circles with your horse.

You'll learn how this...

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EMHH Episode 15: This Small Move Has the Power to Heal Apr 03, 2022

Click here to watch a short video of Mary demonstrating Rhythm Circles. Plus, read exactly how she helped the horse, Grace, make a dramatic recovery.

Would you like to know a no-cost, EASY way of helping your horse feel better and move more freely? You're in the right place!


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EMHH Episode 14: How Your Hands Can Improve Your Horse's Mood Apr 03, 2022

Does your horse interact with you because he HAS to? Wouldn't it be better if your horse CHOOSES to spend time with you?

There's a surprisingly simple hands-on movement that can help your horse feel calmer, more focused and WANT to interact with you.

In this episode, I'll tell you why...

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EMHH Episode 8: Why Stretching Can Make You and Your Horse Stiffer Apr 03, 2022

Are you doing stretches with your horse? Do you stretch yourself to stay limber?

While it's a common practice, stretching may NOT be helping you, after all.

In fact, studies have shown that stretching can actually weaken muscles. It can also exacerbate harmful movement habits, making...

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EMHH Episode 7: Why We Connect, Not Correct Apr 03, 2022

If you're like most people, there's a thing or two you'd like to improve about yourself. Maybe it's a bad habit you picked up that you'd like to get rid of, or maybe it's your posture or how tight your muscles and joints often feel.

And there may be things you'd like to improve about...

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EMHH Episode 6: The Value of Getting Started Apr 03, 2022

You want to improve your balance, flexibility and confidence, right? And you want your horse to be supple, sound and relaxed too. But you're already pressed for time! How can you pack more into your day?

Well, my friend, I have you covered! Simply getting started by doing 10 - 15...

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EMHH Episode 11: How Mistakes Improve Your Riding #humanmind feldenkrais method Apr 01, 2022

Everyone makes mistakes, right? But it's HOW you make mistakes that determine if those errors help you reach your goals or hold you back.

In this episode, you'll learn how to harness your brain's ability to learn new skills.  You'll learn how to get better results. To effortlessly...

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EMHH Episode 21: Better Than Intuition #horsehumanconnection #humanmind Mar 30, 2022

Wouldn’t it be great to ride and handle your horse with ease and natural feel? And to intuitively know how best to help your horse? In this episode, you’ll learn how tapping into your own body and mind can help you understand your horse more. We’ll dive into how you...

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EMHH Episode 20: How to Know What's Best for Your Horse #horsehumanconnection #humanmind Mar 25, 2022

Do you ever disagree with what your trainer wants you to do with your horse - but you don't say anything? Do you ever feel that some horse training methods are harsh, but you don't know any other way?

How do you separate what you need to learn from what you don't want to do?  ...

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