Is Your Anxiety Making Your Dog Reactive? #20 #canine #humanmind anxiety canine connection stress stress reduction stress relief May 14, 2024

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Feeling stressed on walks because your dog reacts to things like bikes, skateboards or other dogs? You're not alone!  Discover how your anxiety can affect your dog's behavior.

Learn innovative ways to stay...

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Anxious or Fearful Dog? This Simple Approach Can Help #12 #canine #debono moves anxiety canine connection fear stress relief Mar 19, 2024

Want to learn more? Get my FREE video training by clicking this link.

Have a dog who cowers around strangers? Or who gets nervous on car rides or on walks? Do you feel your dog is often nervous, anxious or fearful?  

In this episode, you'll learn about:

  • Ways to help...
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A Surprise Benefit of Staying Home with Your Dog or Cat breathing canine cats dogs feline humans stress relief Apr 29, 2020

Some years ago, I walked into a sunlit, colorful living room in the coastal town of Laguna Nigel, California. The homeowner, a woman named Carol, was in her early 40’s and had shoulder-length, sandy-colored hair that was pulled back into a ponytail.  

I first met Carol a couple of...

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