Are You Addicted to Struggling with Your Horse? #69 #horsehumanconnection #humanmind feldenkrais method Apr 18, 2024

Do you HAVE to try so hard? Or is it a habit? A compulsion? For many of us, we're so used to trying hard, to struggling, that we forget that things could feel easier for us and our horses.


This episode discusses the common "addiction" to struggling with horses and its negative...

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Release Tension and Increase Flexibility by Rocking Your Horse #68 #debono moves #equinemind #equinemovement #horsehumanconnection rocking Apr 08, 2024

Rocking your horse can have positive effects on horse's muscles, nervous system, and overall movement. Rocking should be done with lightness, effortlessness, and pleasure for both horse and rider. Being well-organized and coordinated is important for effective communication with the...

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Girthy Horse? You'll Want to Hear This #66 #equinemind #equinemovement #horsehumanconnection cinchy girthy saddling tacking up Mar 27, 2024
Here's a different take on helping transform girthy horses. Mary shares her unique strategy that makes tacking up a positive experience that not ONLY can be pleasurable for you and your horse, but can be an opportunity to improve body awareness, flexibility and coordination for you...
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The Surprising Key to Freer Hips #65 #debono moves #equinemovement #horsehumanconnection #humanmovement feldenkrais method hips pain stiffness Mar 21, 2024

Wish your hips were more flexible or comfortable? Learn why the Feldenkrais MethodⓇ is different from stretching and strengthening programs. To improve your hips, explore this holistic, whole-body approach to movement, so you AND your horse can experience more comfort, elegance,...

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Enhancing Flexibility, Balance and Strength at Any Age #64 #horsehumanconnection #humanmind #humanmovement equestrians feldenkrais method move with your horse Mar 14, 2024


Learn why the Feldenkrais MethodⓇ is gaining in popularity among equestrians. This innovative approach can improve your flexibility, balance and strength. And it can feel almost effortless.   

In this episode, you'll hear how the Feldenkrais Method can...

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Letting Go: A Key to Healthier Movement for You and Your Horse #61 #debono moves #equinemovement #horsehumanconnection #humanmovement back pain feldenkrais method stress reduction tension Feb 22, 2024

Learn Practical Strategies to Cultivate Awareness and Release Tension

Join host Mary Debono as she explores the harmful effects of doing too much, both for humans and horses. Through anecdotes and insights, discover how excessive tension impacts movement and well-being.

Learn practical...

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4 Elements of Healthy Movement - Do You and Your Horse Have Them? #58 #debono moves #equinemovement #horsehumanconnection #humanmovement feldenkrais feldenkrais method Feb 01, 2024
Want you and your horse to move easier and feel better? In this episode, you'll learn about 4 key characteristics of healthy movement for you and your horse.

You'll hear why one or more of these essentials may disappear when you tack up your horse or step into the saddle. 


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EMHH Ep 57 - Mindful Movements: True Flexibility for You and Your Horse #equinemind #equinemovement #horsehumanconnection #humanmind #humanmovement anxiety confidence debono moves feldenkrais method girthy tacking up Jan 25, 2024

Host Mary Debono, Feldenkrais Method Practitioner, shares insightful stories and practical wisdom on the profound impact of cultivating flexibility of body and mind for horses and riders.

Mary describes real-life examples, showcasing how gentle, mindful movements can lead to remarkable...

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Finding Equine Ease: Rocking Away Tension and Discomfort #equinemovement #horsehumanconnection debono moves Sep 03, 2023

  Benefits of Rocking: 

  • Reduces neuromuscular tension 
  • Calms your horse and acquaints them to your touch 
  • Shows where your horse may be restricting movement 
  • Improves body awareness, balance and coordination of you and your horse
  • It can be a RESET for the nervous...
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EMHH Ep 56: An Exercise to Develop Feel and Improve Your Connection with Your Horse #horsehumanconnection #humanmovement May 09, 2023

Feel begins with being aware of your own body and movements. Here's an effective exercise that can help you become more sensitive to yourself AND your horse.   

Enhancing awareness of your own body is the first step to developing a greater feel of your horse. But it doesn't...

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EMHH Ep 55: Body Awareness and Emotional Well-Being: The Benefits of Touching Your Horse #equinemind #equinemovement #horsehumanconnection #humanmind Apr 29, 2023

Would you like to take something that you're probably already doing and make it much more beneficial for your horse?

In this short episode, you can learn how to:

  • Develop your ability to tune in to your horse and identify areas of tension or soreness
  • Reduce neuromuscular tension in your...
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EMHH Ep 54 Unlocking Your Potential: The 4 Pillars of Healthy Movement #equinemind #equinemovement #horsehumanconnection #humanmind #humanmovement feldenkrais method Apr 24, 2023


Many of us move in ways that lead to injury, strain and pain.  That's a recipe for resistance and frustration - for both you and your horse! 

In this episode, you'll discover how to use the 4 pillars of healthy movement to improve your athletic ability and be a better...

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