EMHH Episode 4: Your Horse Has Habits Too - Here's How to Change Them
Feb 05, 2021
To get the FREE videos of Mary demonstrating the hands-on moves with a horse, go to MaryDebono.com/Horse.
Is your horse stiff to one side? Does your horse hollow her back or stand asymmetrically? Does he pin his ears when he tighten the girth?
In this episode, you'll learn how to identify and help change your horse's unhealthy habits of posture, movement and behavior.
You'll learn a gentle, effective way to enhance your horse's body awareness and help your horse release unhealthy habits of tensing muscles. This hands-on technique can also improve your "feel" and improve communication and connection between you and your horse. This is the first step in helping your horse experience more freedom and flexibility.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected].
I hope you join our FREE Facebook group, "Happy, Healthy Horsewomen."
I look forward to seeing you in the group!
xo, Mary