EMHH Episode 10: Why Riders Can't Use Muscle Memory
Jun 16, 2021
Do you rely on muscle memory to mount your horse without thinking about all the steps involved? Do you use muscle memory to post the trot or navigate a course?
In this episode, I explain why muscle memory is NOT helping you ride better. In fact, thinking about muscle memory can interfere with your ability to ride well.
But don't worry! I explain what to do instead of relying on muscle memory. And how this different approach can give you a better chance of staying balanced on your horse even in challenging situations.
💥Exciting News!!! 💥
Want to feel more flexible and confident in body and mind? My new online group coaching program, "Easy Flexibility and Powerful Confidence" is opening soon! I'm looking for a small group of heart-centered horse people to join us at a DISCOUNTED PRICE. ❤
Take advantage of our lower price during this inaugural launch. For complete details, visit https://www.marydebono.com/powerful.
Thank you so much for being here. I can’t wait to talk with you again. Bye for now.
More FREE resources:
- Feldenkrais® for Riders videos: https://www.marydebono.com/rider.
- Join our free FB group, "Happy, Healthy Horsewomen."
Important safety reminder: Riding and handling horses are potentially dangerous activities. If you feel anxiety or fear, it may be warranted! Please don't do anything that can put you in danger. Educate yourself and seek the guidance of a qualified, positive trainer or medical professional as necessary. The information in this podcast is for general education/entertainment purposes only and is never intended as professional or medical advice.
Questions? please email [email protected].
xo, Mary

Before you go: I have exciting news!
I just opened enrollment to my brand-new group coaching program, Easy Flexibility and Powerful Confidence for Horsewomen.
I'm inviting a small group of committed, heart-centered equestrians to join me at a special discounted price for this inaugural launch.
In the program, you'll get Feldenkrais® and mindset training classes for YOU as well as the opportunity to learn hands-on work to help your horse.
There'll be lots of support and coaching too. And you'll be a VIP member.
All at a super affordable rate. Really.
Enrollment is limited, so please consider joining today. I don't want you to miss out on this opportunity.
As always, please let me know if you have any questions. I'm here to help. Just email me at [email protected]